مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

:: كلاس القراءة و الكتابة ::

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
2 أكتوبر 2008
مجموعه بحيره طبرياء ..


1Glue is ------------ e) sticky and useful
2Jam is------------- c) sweet and sticky
3A glass is----------b) fragile and thin
4A pin is------------ d) straight and sharp
5A ruler is---------- a) thin and straight

1A hammer is-------------- c) hard and heavy
2A snow is------------------ a) soft and cold
3A pullover is-------------- d) soft and warm
4A cigarette is-------------- e) long and round
5An apple is----------------- b) round and sweet

1An elephant is--------------- d) powerful and slow
2The Atlantic Ocean is------ e) huge and deep
3A Rolex watch is------------ b) accurate and expensive
4A Rolls Royce is------------- a) expensive and powerful
5A mirror is-------------------- c) smooth and fragile
1A comb is-------------------------- e) cheap and light
2Arnold Schwarzenegger is------ d) wealthy and famous
3Mount Everest is------------------ b) high and dangerous
4Jeans are is------------------------- c) casual and useful
5The sun is--------------------------- a) round and hot
1A new baby is------------------ c) tiny and weak
2Fire is---------------------------- e) hot and dangerous
3The Sahara Desert is---------- a) hot and dry
4A stormy sea is----------------- b) rough and dangerous
5A quite sea is-------------------- d) calm and smooth

1A newspaper is--------------------- b) rectangular and useful
2The Eiffel Tower is---------------- a) high and famous
3A motorway is--------------------- d) long and wide
4A ball-point open is-------------- e) useful and cheap
5A tiger is---------------------------- c) strong and dangerous


New member
23 ديسمبر 2007
مجموعة غزة
1Glue is ------------ e) sticky and useful
2Jam is------------- c) sweet and sticky
3A glass is----------b) fragile and thin
4A pin is------------ d) straight and sharp
5A ruler is---------- a) thin and straight
1A hammer is-------------- c) hard and heavy
2A snow is------------------ a) soft and cold
3A pullover is-------------- d) soft and warm
4A cigarette is-------------- e) long and round
5An apple is----------------- b) round and sweet

1An elephant is--------------- d) powerful and slow
2The Atlantic Ocean is------ e) huge and deep
3A Rolex watch is------------ b) accurate and expensive
4A Rolls Royce is------------- a) expensive and powerful
5A mirror is-------------------- c) smooth and fragile
1A comb is-------------------------- e) cheap and light
2Arnold Schwarzenegger is------ d) wealthy and famous
3Mount Everest is------------------ b) high and dangerous
4Jeans are is------------------------- c) casual and useful
5The sun is--------------------------- a) round and hot

1A new baby is------------------ c) tiny and weak
2Fire is---------------------------- e) hot and dangerous
3The Sahara Desert is---------- a) hot and dry
4A stormy sea is----------------- b) rough and dangerous
5A quite sea is-------------------- d) calm and smooth

1A newspaper is--------------------- b) rectangular and useful
2The Eiffel Tower is---------------- a) high and famous
3A motorway is--------------------- d) long and wide
4A ball-point open is-------------- e) useful and cheap
5A tiger is---------------------------- c) strong and dangerous

maryam mam

New member
23 ديسمبر 2008
Glue is
sticky and useful

Jam is sweet and sticky
3A glass is fragile and thin
4A pin is straight and sharp
5A ruler is thin and straight


1A hammer is hard and heavy
2A snow is soft and cold
3A pullover is soft and warm
4A cigarette is long and round)

5An apple is round and sweet )


1An elephant is powerful and slow
2The Atlantic Ocean is huge and deep
3A Rolex watch is accurate and expensive
4A Rolls Royce is expensive and powerful
5A mirror is smooth and fragilee)


1A comb is cheap and light)
2Arnold Schwarzenegger is wealthy and famous
3Mount Everest is high and dangerous

4Jeans are is casual and useful

5The sun is round and hot


1A new baby is tiny and weak
2Fire is hot and dangerous

3The Sahara Desert is hot and dry

4A stormy sea is rough and dangerous
5A quite sea is calm and smooth


1A newspaper is useful and cheap
2The Eiffel Tower is high and famous
3A motorway is long and wide
4A ball-point open is rectangular and useful
5A tiger is strong and dangerous


يسلموا ايديكن 00 ورغم الترجمة للاوصاف الا اني ذهبت لجوجل لترجمة بعض الكلمات الاخري 00استفدت كثيير ولكن لم افهم ترجمة كلمتين:

ball-point open
Rolls Royce

زهره الجنه

New member
21 يوليو 2007
a ball_point pen يعنى القلم الجاف يا بنوتات
Rolls Royce car is سيارة ماركتها رولز رايس
انا نسيت اكتب car
maryam mam
عندك خطا حببيتى
فى التمرين الاخير فكرى وردى عليا

maryam mam

New member
23 ديسمبر 2008
ايه عرفته بعد الترجمة 00جزاكي الله خيرا

1A newspaper is rectangular and useful

4A ball-point open is useful and cheap

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.