My laptop doesn't support arabic language..
what I would like to say is that I wish that I read your article 2 years ago
before I got married!! I was about to get divorsed untill Allah bless me
with his mercy and I entered a HOLY QURAN centre in order to memorise this
GREAT book we have from our CREATER Allah !! and alhumdiliAllah
I changed a lot of bad things that were in my personality and affect our marriage
badly!!!! the most important thing that our beloved teacher in this centre
taught us is this concept...I would like to write in arabic so that most of the
members will understand what am writing....
the last 2 years I was deadly trying to make the success in my marrige through
wearing sexy dresses, having a lot of hot nights, and they were wallah good
but didn't let me or my husband feel comfortable in this relationship
we love each other but we got in fights and problems, where we end crying after
each one of us hurt the other and try to get the happieness out of our lovely
home!!! Allah la y3oodha those days!! AlhumdiliAllah we are more than fine
after I learnded such stuff..please go ahead, we all need these important
things and concepts to make our life even happier than it's now !!