مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

تعالي شوفي ريجيمي بصوري الخاصة -تحديث يومي -!

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


New member
8 مايو 2009
مشكوووووره ومووووفقه ياريحة الحبايب...

ماتقصرين...الله يحفظك انتي وعائلتك من كل مكروووه...

هاه لا اوصيك تحصني وحصني عياالك بالذكااار

مشكورة يا اختي الكرمة واحرجيتني بصراحة بردك الحلو :a200:

umm yusuf

New member
6 سبتمبر 2008
حبيبتي متابعاك رغم تحفظي على اللحوم اللي تشتريها بس اسأل الله ان تكوني على صح واكون على خطأ بشأن المأكولات الغير حلال
بغيت اسألك كم اعمار صغارك ربي يحميهم لاني احب احافظ على اسلوب تغديه معين لابني بس هو للاسف مايحب الذره واللحوم والبيض


New member
8 مايو 2009
حبيبتي متابعاك رغم تحفظي على اللحوم اللي تشتريها بس اسأل الله ان تكوني على صح واكون على خطأ بشأن المأكولات الغير حلال
بغيت اسألك كم اعمار صغارك ربي يحميهم لاني احب احافظ على اسلوب تغديه معين لابني بس هو للاسف مايحب الذره واللحوم والبيض
Dear sister thank you so much for your reply and I truly appreciate your concern

For your own knowledge, I buy the lamb from the Arabic stores because you can not find lamb in regular supermarket and it is more fresh from the regular super market
My point of view that the meat I buy is Halal because it is a food slaughtered by Christian people and the way they kill the animal is from the neck as we Muslims do

Most of red meat I buy from the regular store is cut fresh according to the USDA regulations which is meat that is slaughtered by neck not killed by electrical shots or other things and I agree with you If i was living in Thailand or South Asian country I would never buy meat from there no matter what because they are not Christian and not follow the teachings of a holy religion when slaughter an animal

Another thing honey is that I try to buy Kosher meat if possible in the regular supermarket and you may know that Kosher meat is strictly prepared by the Jewish teachings .The Kosher meat is the closest meat if not equivalent to Halal meat.
I know that you are following a certain kind of lifestyle and please don't think of yourself as wrong or right because everyone follows the best suitable lifestyle that meets his own beliefs and ethics of their religious and how they are strict to it.

I truly appreciate you being more conservative than I do and salute you. Just be who you are and don't try to change the way you deal with things because someone else is doing things differently

My kids are two a girl and a boy. The girls is three years old and my boy is 15 months old. I give them the food I feel that is best for them and and if I want to introduce some new food I expose them to it more than 5 times or even ten until they start eating it. It takes time and patience

I feel the kids eat by mimicking the way their parent eats so if you yourself don't eat certain food expect your children to not eat certain foods as well. I believe it is a matter of attitude

For them I will grind the food or mix it in things they love like grate some zucchini(Kosa) in the cake I am preparing or mix spinach in a chocolate cookies or even puree anything I want into their food like corn you can add in a salad or add some lemon to it. For friuts, the easiest way I do and I think you have seen it, is to have everything in a mixer and make a juice out of it but dont take the fiber out. Don't squeeze orange just peel it and put it in the mixer
If they don't like meat thats an advantage to your surprise ! people who doesn't eat meat are more slimmer and leaner than people who do. Give them beans like black, red, white beans. Lots of lentils will be great because it is the vegetable protien and a vegetarian eats alot of beans to substitute for meats and beans are more easily digested than red meats

For fish try canned tuna or grilled fish or fish fillets it tastes like chicken nuggets and with some ketchup they won't even know the difference

For egg, I face the same problem because my boy is allergic to eggs so I don't give him any and try to give him more vegetables and cheese but be aware not to be processed cheese try feta or lebnah

I wish my reply meets your expectations if you have any further question please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you again for your question and have a wonderful day

ودي أنحف

New member
30 مايو 2009
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن

الله يحفحفظ ابنائك وزوجك من كل شر

مجهود رائع وجبار لخدمة اخواتك

بارك الله فيك وقصر غربتك وردك لاهلك سالمه انتي وابنائك وزوجك

دنيتي جوري

New member
11 فبراير 2008
:blush-anim-cl:اسلوب راقي جدا الله يجزاكي عنا كل الخير بس ليش الصفحتين الاخيره ماتطلع الصور وكمان فيه كلام كثير انجليزي بالله ابغى اشوف الثلج خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ ملقوفه:idea:

umm yusuf

New member
6 سبتمبر 2008
Dear sister thank you so much for your reply and I truly appreciate your concern

For your own knowledge, I buy the lamb from the Arabic stores because you can not find lamb in regular supermarket and it is more fresh from the regular super market
My point of view that the meat I buy is Halal because it is a food slaughtered by Christian people and the way they kill the animal is from the neck as we Muslims do

Most of red meat I buy from the regular store is cut fresh according to the USDA regulations which is meat that is slaughtered by neck not killed by electrical shots or other things and I agree with you If i was living in Thailand or South Asian country I would never buy meat from there no matter what because they are not Christian and not follow the teachings of a holy religion when slaughter an animal

Another thing honey is that I try to buy Kosher meat if possible in the regular supermarket and you may know that Kosher meat is strictly prepared by the Jewish teachings .The Kosher meat is the closest meat if not equivalent to Halal meat.
I know that you are following a certain kind of lifestyle and please don't think of yourself as wrong or right because everyone follows the best suitable lifestyle that meets his own beliefs and ethics of their religious and how they are strict to it.

I truly appreciate you being more conservative than I do and salute you. Just be who you are and don't try to change the way you deal with things because someone else is doing things differently

My kids are two a girl and a boy. The girls is three years old and my boy is 15 months old. I give them the food I feel that is best for them and and if I want to introduce some new food I expose them to it more than 5 times or even ten until they start eating it. It takes time and patience

I feel the kids eat by mimicking the way their parent eats so if you yourself don't eat certain food expect your children to not eat certain foods as well. I believe it is a matter of attitude

For them I will grind the food or mix it in things they love like grate some zucchini(Kosa) in the cake I am preparing or mix spinach in a chocolate cookies or even puree anything I want into their food like corn you can add in a salad or add some lemon to it. For friuts, the easiest way I do and I think you have seen it, is to have everything in a mixer and make a juice out of it but dont take the fiber out. Don't squeeze orange just peel it and put it in the mixer
If they don't like meat thats an advantage to your surprise ! people who doesn't eat meat are more slimmer and leaner than people who do. Give them beans like black, red, white beans. Lots of lentils will be great because it is the vegetable protien and a vegetarian eats alot of beans to substitute for meats and beans are more easily digested than red meats

For fish try canned tuna or grilled fish or fish fillets it tastes like chicken nuggets and with some ketchup they won't even know the difference

For egg, I face the same problem because my boy is allergic to eggs so I don't give him any and try to give him more vegetables and cheese but be aware not to be processed cheese try feta or lebnah

I wish my reply meets your expectations if you have any further question please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you again for your question and have a wonderful day
كفيتي ووفيتي جزاك الله خيرا والحمد لله طمنتيني على اللحوم واشبعتي فضولي واقنعتيني بقووووه
اشكرك على المعلومات المفيده وربي يحفظ لك اولادك ويجعلهم قرة عين لك ولابوهم ويجعل ماكتبتي مثقالا لميزان حسناتك واهنئك انجليزيتك ممتازه ماشاء الله لاقوه الا بالله :blushing:
متابعاك رغم ان الصور ماعادت تظهر عندي ومااعرف السبب :dunno:
30 نوفمبر 2008
مساااااااااااااااكم ورد
صار لي اسبوع ما عندي نت والان شبكت
وين الجديد لاني صاااااار عندي عزيمه اني استمر بنضا م غذائي صحي بلا رجيم بلا حرماااااااااااان


New member
8 مايو 2009
Hi everyone
I am sorry that I didn't post regularly because I have so much school work needed to be done before I travel back to Kuwait for the summer vacation
I will try to download some pictures later in the day but the comment will be in English. I apologize for that but I don't have access to Arabic keyboard in school
I will download what I can with minimum English comment and will try to continue my comments in Arabic when I go home
Thank you everyone who are concerned about me and I wish you all a healthy life and a slim body
Good day


New member
8 مايو 2009
Hi everyone here is the latest pictures I have for my meals and my family's
Yesterday, I decided to have some oat meal as breakfast
the pakets are for my kids and its in mable and brown sugar flavor for me I did the regular oatmeal with sesame seeds and pumpkins seeds with mable syrup and splenda I had green tea and some fruits with some cheese
oatmeal prepared with watr =150 calories
sesame seeds and pumpkins seeds=70calories per one tablespoon
splenda=0 calories and cheese for 100 calories

Here is the pakceged oatmeal for my kids every kid had only one packet prepared with whole milk because kids need fat for their brain functions

the oatmeal as prepared with banana

My breakfast

My husband breakfast



New member
8 مايو 2009
السلام عليكم جميعا
أعتذر بصدق لكل المتابعات عن التأخير في رفع الصور ولكن مثل ما الكل عارف كل بيت يمر بمشاكل ومرت فيني مشكلة عاصفة وان شاء الله يفرجها بجاه قوته وعزمه
دعواتكم بس معاي
راح احاول انزل الصور بعد شوي واتمنى الكل يحفزني اني ارجع اكمل لأني بصراحة أحس بتوتر بس باذن الله بتنجلي
شاكرة لكل اخت عزيزة سألت عني وأتمنى من الله أنه يقدرني استمر معاكم في الموضوع
أنا أكتب أيضا في مدونة لي بالمنتدىبعض الخواطر اليومية يعني اذا ما شفتوني اهنيه بتشوفوني هناك
كل الحب لكم أخواتي وإن شا الله انزل الصور بس انزلهم من على الكاميرا للجهاز
أعتذر مرة ثانية عن التأخير


New member
8 مايو 2009
الغدا في هذا اليوم كان بسيط وجاهز وأنا شخصيا افضل السمك الجاهز على الدجاج الجاهز بالنسبة للأطفال مثل ما انتو عارفين امهات وايد يكون الدجاج النقتس أو الدجاج المقلي الجاهز من اسهل وجبات العشا ودائما نلاحظ أمهات وايد يقلونه للأطفل وهذا م وجهة نظري غير صحي وغير سليم ويعزز تراكم الدهون للأطفال من الصغر
البديل تغيير طريقة التحضير أنا شخصيا استخدم السمك بدل الدجاج واسخنه بالفرن بدل ما اقليه بالزيت الغزير مع الكتشب صدقيني الاطفال ولا راح يحسون وحتى الكبار بعد

أكل الاطفال النهائي

هذا كن أكلي عبارة عن زبدة اللوز بدل زبدة الفول السوداني وخبزة تورتيلا محشية موزة :flex:
أي نعم موزة الموز غني جدا بالبوتاسيوم وهو يوازن تركيز الصوديوم بالجسم وخاصة لمرضى الضغط ينصح بأكل الموز يوميا لأنه يساعد على تخفيف ضغط الدم والتونيع في الفواكه مهم جدا عشان ما تشعرين بالجوع والحرمان
فيه ناس تمنع الموز اثناء النظام الصحي وهذا انا ما اشجعه لأنه الموز يحتوي على فوائد كثيرة بس المهم دائما دمج الموز(الكربوهيدرات)مع البروتين(زبدة اللوز) طبعا أخذت لي قطعة سمك فيليه بس أكلت نصها قبل التصوير :blush-anim-cl:
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.