مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

أبشركم ولدت !! بس تعالوا أقولكم عن الطآمة في جسمي محتاجتكم:(

حرم عبودي

New member
13 يناير 2009
انا حامل وطلعتلي خرايط في صدري :( ومدري وش لونها للحين ماعرفت اميزها هو اسود ولا بني شي يفجع صراحه

استغفر الله . . . بأذن الله تروح :(

بس احسن شي اذا سألك رجلك قولي كل الحريم كذا :)

عاد اعطتني الدكتوره كريم للتشققات ومره احطها ومرتين لا يعني شكلي مطنشه وشكلي بتحسف بعدين :( الله يستر بس

الله يعيننا وشكلي بجرب خل التفاح مع موية الورد مثل ما قلتوا
6 يناير 2009
الف مبروك ويتربى في عزكم ...

والله خوفتوني انا حامل بالبكر واخاف تطلع لي تشققات .. انا الحين كملت الخامس
ودخلت السادس بس الحمد لله ما احس اي شي اتغير بجسمي غير زياده بسيطه في الوزن حتى اللي ايشوفني ما ايصدق اني كملت خمس شهور ونص ..؟

بالنسبه لخل التفاح انا سمعت انه مب زين على الجلد لأنه حار ويمكن يحرق الجلد هذا والله اعلم
وبالنسبه للتشققات الحمرا سمعت دكتور مره قال اذا كانت حمرا علاجها سهل وتختفي اما اذا اتحولت للون الأبيض علاجها صعب ويمكن اتخف مع العلاج بس ما اتروح والعلم عند الله .

(وجعلنا لكل داء دواء)
6 يناير 2009
مرحبا يالغلا والله ما هنتي عليه سويت بحث فالانترنت وهذا اللي طلع لي ... انشاء الله ايفيدج فيه اسم المنتج .Cosmetyn). واذا عرفتي كيف تطلبين المنتج خبرينا وانا بعد بحاول اشوف كيف ممكن اطلب المنتج وبخبركم ...ولا اتحاتين ولاتظايقين عمرج وكل شي له حل بإذن الله ..:icon30:

My Stretch Marks Faded After Just 2 "Weeks - Using An All-Natural Risk Free Trial Product!"

My name is Joyce Shaw. I want to share my stretch marks story with you. I'm no medical guru or anything like that. I'm just a mom who struggled with stretch marks for many years. That is until I figured out an amazing product that works better than all the other stretch mark cures you tried (you know, the ones that didn't work?). Hopefully my story inspires you to get the same results as me without spending thousands on expensive surgery.
I hope my story can help you not only get rid of your stretch marks, but also to feel better about yourself. In the past, I was really embarrassed about the way my skin looked, I was so self conscious of my skin, even in front of my husband! But less than 15 weeks ago, after doing careful research and trying nearly all the products out there I found an amazing product called Cosmetyn. Since then my life's completely changed. Recently, I've been the happiest and healthiest I've ever been!

This is me in November and then just 2 weeks later.
Long Story Short: After watching Oprah I was inspired to find the perfect stretch mark product. I spent countless days researching different products, and comparing their ingredients, benefits, costs, and online reviews. Finally i found the perfect product that cured my stretch in just 2 weeks. The best part is, I was able to get it by just paying for shipping:
Product that worked: Cosmetyn
How did I end up getting stretch marks in the first place?

A little bit about me: I'm a 32 year old mother of two and I consider myself a happy-go-lucky person. I have 2 amazing kids who I really adore and a loving husband who treats me well. When we first got married I looked great, I was slim and had beautiful silky smooth skin. Well after being married for 10 years, giving birth to two beautiful girls, and putting on a few extra pounds, I guess Mother Nature got to me. After the pregnancy, I noticed large stretch marks around my abdomen. Extra stress at work had also caused my to gain extra weight. I looked and felt awful about my body. I lost my natural skin glow, that I was so proud of having...
Like most of you out there, I tried many products. Everything from skin creams, vitamins, home remedies, the works. However, none of these products actually delivered on their promises. I was getting more and more depressed looking at myself in the mirror. It got so bad that I even started to consider laser surgery. Looking back now, I don't know what I was thinking! The procedure costs thousands of dollars! What a waste of money!​
The TV show that turned my life around.

Luckily my dear friend (Lisa) talked me out of surgery and told me about a skin rejuvenation episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show. In it, she had Dr.Oz discussing the benefits of antioxidants for our skin. He also talked about the benefits of peptides and nutrients for skin rejuvenation. I made sure that products I tried contained as many peptides, antioxidants, and nutrients as possible.

I took Oprah's advice and started my search for the perfect natural stretch mark product (with loads of antioxidants). After spending countless days researching different products, and comparing their ingredients, benefits, costs, and online reviews I found 2 products that I wanted to try. I ordered free trials of Cosmetyn and also Captiva. After using each product for 2 months I had my results and here is my personal review.​
The Products I Tried

Without mentioning the countless over the counter products I tried. These are the two products I found while doing my online research.
Cosmetyn - This was the product that worked wonders for me. I think why it works so well is because it contains more antioxidants than any other product on the market. We all know how amazing antioxidants are for your skin. I saw amazing results after only a few days. It even came with a money back guarantee (now what other stretch mark product comes with that?!)
Captiva - Didn't seem to work to my expectations. I don't recommend this product for the simple fact that it did not produce the results that Cosmetyn did.
I ended up ordering the free trials online and have been using Cosmetyn ever since, and the change is hard for me to believe. All my friends have said my skin looks amazing and they can't even notice my stretch marks. I can hardly believe it I can look in the mirror and smile again. It's a great feeling to be able to share this with you with the help of my website. And not to brag but even my husband is noticing the new youthful me and giving me a little bit more attention ;)
The Product That Worked For Me

Free Trial Supply of Cosmetyn (I only paid $6.95 shipping and handling)

Hopefully people reading this will at least try, this product. With a Free Trial and even a money back guarantee, you really have nothing to lose. I know how you guys feel because I was where you were, just don't give up. Cosmetyn will work for you, and get rid of your wrinkles and premature aging, just like it did for me. You will be soo happy you listened to your inner self and did something about it, trust me.
The risk free trial even comes with a money back guarantee. I just paid the shipping, which was less than $7.00. It was definitely well worth it. Try it for yourself and see how great you will look and feel about yourself.
And luckily I listened to my friend, Lisa, and found Cosmetyn online instead of having surgery!!
*** You can try Cosmetyn for free through this link if you want to.
Joyce Shaw from .

By Sally, January 08,2009
I just found your site, thank you for your sharing your story! I just ordered a free trial. I can't wait for my stretch marks to dissappear.
By Donna, January 12,2009
I have been reading about Cosmetyn online and I actually saw an episode on Oprah, that talks about the ingredients that this cream offers. Apparently, it is great for revitalizing your skin. I think I should start listening to my inner self and feel good about myself again.
By Joyce, January 12,2009

@ Rachael, I'm glad you're taking my advice, Good Luck.
By Bianca, January 25,2009
I a have coworker who tried cosmetyn and she loves it. I kind of thought it was one of those products where it works for some and not for others. That's how most of these products seem to work. But, after reading all the success that you guys have had, I'm thinking of trying it too. Whey not when I don't even have to pay.
By Lisa, February 01,2009
Joyce, I just wanted to report back to you regarding my results. Within days my stretch marks were almost 90% gone.This is truly an amazing product. Thanks soo much!
By Cindi, February 8,2009
OMG, Joyce, I love your blog!! I have to try that stuff! I don't think I would have bought it except that I got real-life testimony from a real person like you. I hate infomercials and stupid advertising that just sounds so fake. Your story just comes from the heart - so thanks, girl. Keep up all the good work.
Cindi ;)

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New member
23 فبراير 2008
أنا أعرف Bio Oil ينباع في صيدليات بووتس في الامارات وفي الصيدليات عامة

وهذا شكله .. حتى يقولون يخفي التشققات القديمة بس لابد من الاستمرار عليه والدهنه وتمسيجه على الجلد .. وأنا جربته سابقا (في خطوط السمنة) بس الله العالم ما استمريت عليه .. وأبداً ما تحسين انه زيت .. وما يضر لأنه ما ضرني .. جربيه

أنا حامل في أول السابع واليوم طلعت لي التشققات حمرا .. وقريت انه يصلح للحوامل .. ان شاء الله بحطه



New member
16 مارس 2009
يابنات صحيح لازم المرأة تهتم بنفسها وتعتني بجسدها..لكن مايوصل بها الحال انها تشمئز من نفسها علشان احد..
لاااااااااااااااوربي..اذا انا حابه نفسي..راح احبها بكل عيوبها التي لاتندمل..والزوج اللي يحب زوجته فعلا مايقرف من اي عيب فيها ماقدرت تعدله مثل هالتشققات الاجباريه اللي تبتلا فيها الزوجه..وحتى الرجال فيهم هالشي..
خليك واثقه من نفسك..وحاولي تعالجي الوضع..واذا ماراح..بيني لزوجك ان هالشي عادي وماينقص من قيمتك امام نفسك..وربي راح يحس ان كلامك صحيح بسبب ثقتك فيها..


New member
14 مارس 2009
مبروك ما جاك والله يخليه لك يارب
اما عن التشققات غريب احمر
الافضل استشيري اخصائيه


New member
1 فبراير 2009
مبروك ما جاك واستخدمي كريم اساس طبي تلاقينه بالصيدليات ب 45 ريال كل الالوان ولا تخافين بروح

ضجة انفاس

New member
9 أكتوبر 2008
كريم بانثينول وبسسسسسسسسس بالصيدليات قال عنه الدكتور عبدالباسط السيد
وبتدعي لي بس بقولك شي انه تطول مدة ظهور النتيجة استخدمية بشكل يومي

ادعي لي بتسخير زوجي لي وان ربي يفرج همي ويشفي زوجي وييسر ولادتي