مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

My daily journal


New member
8 مايو 2009
Hi everyone

I browsed the daily journals in Arabic and liked the idea very much and decied to start my own daily journal in English every day. I will tell you about my day, my kids, my husband, my studies, and myself. I will also write about how I feel and hopefully we will interact with each other and learn about ourseves more. . I hope such journal will help you learn english more and help me improve my writing skills more. So Are
you up to it? Here we go


My name is Maryam, I live in the United States of America. I am married with two kids and trying to finish up my studies . My major is geology and I am aiming toward my PhD in mineralogy

I am fat! Yeah you read it right. I am losing weight right now. I lost around 30 pound so far which is about 16 kilograms . I am following a moderate approach. I am reducing the calories in and increasing the calories out. I am doing some walking by treadmill and eleptical treadmill in the gym. I am eating more flax seeds and Acai berries extract. I am wishing that I will be able to lose more hundred pounds and be140 lb instead of 256 lb . I will write here in this journal what happens with me daily and I hope you will interact. I wish everyone a good life .
Remember you are beautiful no matter what others tells you:icon30:


New member
8 مايو 2009
I just get back from the gym. It feels great to be able to shed some weight. I burned 783 calories today. I used the eleptical treadmill then two minutes run.
I will post later see you then



New member
8 مايو 2009
Hello again
It look like no one is interested yet but you know what I will continue to post
I made lunch today as shrimp steak sandwiches and my husband loved it
When I get the kids I gave them some Arayes(grounded lamb meat thats stuffed inside a pita bread)They liked it yesterday and I had left over so I decided to reheat it today.
Because of my diet I had a bowl of yogurt with banana and flax seeds with honey. Then I had almond butter on whole wheat two toast I drank lots of water because water help to get rid of toxins in body and keeps you full


New member
8 مايو 2009
HI everyone or shall I say myself
Today I went to the gym during lunch hour and then I get so much pain in my stomach I think the reason would be that I took my medicine without food. Also I talked with my family using Skybe, I really miss them but the good news that I am going back to Kuwait in a month. I went groccery shopping and spend175$
I will do some laundry befoe I go to sleep Good night

No 1 Noo

15 مارس 2008

i rarely come here alwyes go direct to my forum

so i was shocked when i read your topic

realy intersting

but i wish if it was in English forum cause as you see no one



عضوة مخالفة لقوانين المنتدى
13 أبريل 2009
hi dear, ur journals are very interesting but i see many tense mistakes. When u talk using the pas, take care of the verbs that should be changed into the past like (get) it is always (get)not(got).Believe me I like ur journals ,but when I read them verbs get me confused I will keep reading ur nice dailys they make me feel that I live with you.:shiny:


New member
8 مايو 2009
HI everyone
I am so grateful that I have some followers. To be honest i am so new in here and I don't know how to transfer my topic to English forum
about the tenses I am really writing out of my mind and I barely pay any attention to my grammar but I promise to start that from today.
Here is what happened since I posted last time


New member
8 مايو 2009
Oh my god I wrote and wrote and when Iwas formatting It all was deleted
I am so mad


New member
5 ديسمبر 2008
hey there

realy interesting journal

i like your way in managing your studies and house chores

i will be here


New member
8 مايو 2009
Hi everyone
Thanks so much for little secret for encouraging me to start writing again in the English forum
It has been a while since I wrote here but I will try to recap some of my life highlights that I went through recently

First, I love my husband :cupidarrow:Yeah I know you will say and who cares? But I do
I have been in so many struggles recently but Thanks God I was able to overcome that by discussion
You never know how much you really you love someone until they get mad with you
One of the best things that happened to me is the weather . The weather is really nice in here . There have been couple storms and tornadoes but the best part was the rainbow and the daily raining
The weather is so romantic that makes you feel more passion toward life and everyone you know

Since I was injured long time ago in my back, I consulted an orthopedic doctor and recommended a physical therapy sessions
Losing weight is great and really boosts self confidence and makes you more attractive and pretty
I think it is the way you start dealing with life and everything surrounds you
I am definitely more positive and love what i am doing
I truly admire all the blessings I have and love my family so much
I am also trying to be more strict with Islam more and more since living in the United States with all the distractions may leave you more distant from your religion but Inshallh I am on the right path and trying to be the best Muslim I can be
I lost tow kilos since last time WOOOOOOOW I am so thrilled and happy
I will try my best to resume on a daily basis everything that happens to me as soon as possible

Thanks Little Secret for encouraging me to be here again and to be honest without you I wouldn't do it so thumps up
See you soon
