مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !



New member
7 يوليو 2007
this is the first time for me to write in this forum
my problem is that i have married for 4 years and the first year was wonderful but the rest of three years were misrable my husband always shouting,yelling,hitting me also he can not sleep with me he always sleeps down and me on the bed ,he do not want me to talk to him or to touch him, before one year i checked on his mobile a picture for lady and he saved her by man name and i faced him and he said this is last time and now excatly before 10 months i found a number on his mobile and i found that he sent messages at 12 am, and at 11 but i can not read messages because he always delete messages i found it in the message recipants but now he delete all his calls, message and i can not find anything iam sure that there is something but i do not have proof
help me i can not sleep or eat
what should i do


New member
4 فبراير 2007
ما هو السبب الذي يجعل زوجك ينفر منك...ولا ينام على نفس السرير الذي تنامين عليه؟
هل لديك اطفال؟


New member
2 ديسمبر 2006
الله يعينج يا اختي

لا املك الا اني ادعو لك
هل لديك اطفال؟؟
هل وسطتي احد من اهلك او اهله في موضوع الضرب والمعاملة السيئة؟

هل خيانته تلفونية فقط ام تعدت ذلك؟؟

اتمنى الاخوات يساعدونج
والله يعينج


New member
7 يوليو 2007
i have two children but they sleep in the other room , and i take care of myself very well iam with the fashion in dress, makeup,and hair style.also i cook for him and i did everything he wants


New member
7 يوليو 2007
i do not know if the relation in the phone or more but i feel that there is somthing not good and before a month when i was in his family's house for 10 days when i come back i saw that he shaved all his body(sorry) and this is the first time for him to do such thing

كتلة مشاعر

New member
9 يوليو 2007
hi dear, im also new here. First of all i suggest that u write in arabic so u can get answers from many subscribers. Second, i suggest that u read more and more subjects and u will find many answers for ur problem and u will learn a lot from others problems that are much more difficult than urs. My advice 2 you is to not confronting ur husband now, u need to be patient, because when u told him about the picture and msgs he deleted everything bcz he knows now that u r watching him. watch him carefully but dont let him feel it. At the same time , dont show him that u care about him and u need him when u ignore him he will care more about u believe me i've tried it

wish u all the best


New member
2 ديسمبر 2006
لعل بعض الاخوات أعاقهم عدم فهمهم لموضوعك عن التعليق

الأخت تقول
هذه هي المرة الأولى التي اكتب في هذا المنتدى
مشكلتي هي اني متزوجة من اربع سنوات ، أول سنة من زواجي كانت رائعة بس في الثلاث سنوات الخيرة تغير ، صار يصرخ علي ويهيني ويضربني
ايضاً هو لا ينام معي ، جائماً هو ينام على الأرض وأنا أنام على السرير ، هو لا يريدني لا يتكلم معي ولا يريدني أن المسه
قبل سنة فتحت جواله وشفت فيه صور امرأة محفوظة باسم رجل في جواله
لما واجهته قال لي هذي اخر مرة
قبل عشر شهور لقيته راسل مسج الساعة 12 بالليل والساعة 11 بس ما قدرت ارسل المسج لأنه دايماً يمسح المسجات من جواله
هو يمسح المسجات الواردة ، ويمسح المكالمات
انا متأكدة أنه في شي
بس ما عندي دليل

ساعدوني انا لا اقدر انام ولا اكل
قولوا لي ايش ممكن اسوي

عندي طفلين ، ينامون في غرفة ثانية
انا مهتمة بنفسي وباناقتي وبملابسي ومكياجي

اللي خلاني أشك اكثر ان قبل فترة سافرت عند اهلي عشر ايام ولما جيت لقيته حالق جسمه كله ، وهذا مو من عوايده

ماما حنون

New member
10 يونيو 2007
I'm sorry but I can't benefit u in this issue because I'm not married and I don't have any experience with men!! Maybe he is under "se7er" or something!!!
I don’t know the reason behind writing in English and I agree with كتلة مشاعر in what she says .
I suggest that u pray and say do3a2 very much!!! And I wish that u find the support u need and the opinions and ideas that will help u with ur problem.
Allah y3enech yal'3alya wey9aberch 3ala balwach. Wenshallah mabe9er ella elly feh el5eer.

Ur sis
Mama 7anoon


New member
7 يوليو 2007
thanks sisters but you can not imagine the sadness and painfull that i live with i want to know why he is doing this thing why did i miss something or deserve this cheating
i do not know
god helps me


Active member
1 ديسمبر 2006
your problem is worse than you imagine
first of all, you have to ask yourself many questions about your sexual issues, most women think if they dress well and follow the fastion, then they will surely win men's hearts... yes that's true, but there is one thing which is more important than dressing well

Dear, we are not consultants to give you the proper advice.... but at least we can help you to be on the correct road... click on this link, reprograme your life,and then you will find the answer

16 يناير 2007
أخـــــتي ..... لورا .... صـــارة مــوضة عنــد الرجــال .... مسألة الصديقة ... وهو متــزوج ...

والحمدلله .... أنج تعتنيــن بلبسك ومكياجج وشعــرك .... بس بعــض الرجــال يبحــث بالإضــافة للأمــور

لهذا ....... يبحــثـون عـن الشخصــية اللــي تقيــدهم .... وتخليــهم فــي دائــرة مغقلــه ..

حــاولــي تعرفــين نــوع علاقة ريلج ... وكــم عددهــا ...... بــــس بحــذر شديــد .... ولا تواجهينه أبــدا

ألعبــي لعبتــج من وراه بالخفــاء .... ورديلنا خبر


New member
22 فبراير 2007
انا انصحك تاخذين دوره التعامل مع الزوج الخائن ان شاء الله تنفعك, لكن انت تاكدي ان مافي شيء يجعله ينفر منك مثل الاهتمام بالنظافه والتجمل , وانك مو واسعه ,وان شاءالله يرده لك مايشوف غيرك.

سلة فواكه

New member
5 أبريل 2007
ok sweaty
????why he i like this with u
there should be resons 4 his behiveir with u
try 2 talk with him but relax and dont shout
i hope 4 u happy life