مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

نكت بالانجليزي


New member
8 نوفمبر 2008
نكته مترجمة

A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months,
كان احد الأزواج يصحو ويعود الى الغيبوبة لعدة اشهر
yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day.One day, when he came to, he motioned
ومع ذلك كانت الزوجة الى جانب سريره في كل يوم من تلك الأيام. وفي أحد الأيام عندما افاق الزوج اشار
for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears,
الى زوجته أن اقتربي اكثر. وما ان جلست إلى جانبه حتى همس اليها و عيناه مغرورقتان بالدموع, قائلا:
"You know what? You have been with me through all the bad times.
أتعلمين؟ لقد وقفت الى جانبي في كل الأوقات العصيبة

When I got fired, you were there to support me.
عندما فصلت من العمل, كنت هناك لتسانديني

When my business failed, you were there.
وعندما خسرت في تجارتي, كنت هناك لي

When I got shot, you were by my side.
وحينما اصبت بالرصاص, كنت الى جانبي

When we lost the house, you stayed right here.
وعندما خسرنا منزلنا, بقيت هنا معي

When my health started failing, you were still by my side...
وعندما بدأت صحتي بالتدهور, ظللت الى قربي

You know what?" "What dear?", she gently asked, smiling as her
heart began to fill with warmth.
أتعلمين؟ ؟؟؟"ماذا ياعزيزي" سألت بكل لطف, مبتسمة وقلبها ممتلئ بالدفء

"I think you're bad luck."
اعتقد أنك حظ سئ (لي)

ههههههههه>>>مايستاهل من يوقف معه:busted_red:

."وهذي نكته 2 بس مو مترجمه كنت بترجمها بعدين قلت لااااا خل البنات يترجمونها اذا كانوا يبون يضحكوووون>>نذاااااله هههههههه

> > An Italian, French and Indian went for a job interview
> >
> >In England.
> >
> >Before the interview, they were told that they must
> >
> >Compose a sentence in English with three main words:
> >
> >Green, pink and yellow...
> >
> >The Italian was first: 'I wake up in the morning. I
> >
> >See the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think
> >
> >To myself, I hope it will be a pink day...'
> >
> >The French was next: 'I wake up in the morning, I eat
> >
> >A yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink
> >panther on TV...
> >
> >Last was the Indian: 'I wake up in the morning, I
> >
> >Hear the phone 'green green', I 'pink' up the phone
> >
> >And I say 'Yellow'
> >
> > hahahahahahaha

مع احترامي الخالص للهنود بس كذا النكت عادي لازم يدخل فيها الجنسيه والسياسه ووو....الخ

وهذولي نكت مرررررره حلوين ENJOY


Wife: Honey..... What are You Looking for؟
Husband : Nothing.
Wife : Nothing...?? U've been reading our marriage certificate 4 an hour ??
Husband : I was just looking 4 the expiry date.


Q - What is the Difference Between Mother & Wife؟؟
A - One Woman Brings U into this world crying... & the other ensures U
Continue to do so.


Wife : Do you want dinner?
Husband : Sure, what are my choices?
Wife : Yes and no.


Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Hubby: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your
picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Hubby: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problem can
there be greater than this one?"


Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and
lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, But I don't have any worries or
Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.


A newly married man asked his wife, "Would you have married me if my father
hadn't left me a fortune?"
"Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have married you NO MATTER WHO LEFT


Father to son after exam: "let me see your report card."
Son: "My friend just borrow ed it. He wants to scare his parents."


التعديل الأخير:


New member
5 سبتمبر 2008

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Hubby: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your
picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Hubby: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problem can
there be greater than this one?"

I like this one so much


maryam mam

New member
23 ديسمبر 2008
thanks, i loved the indian joke.. and i don't understanding the last one!!!


New member
8 نوفمبر 2008
هاااي حبيباتي

ومشكورين ع التعليقات
Maryam mam
Father to son after exam: "let me see your report card."
Son: "My friend just borrow ed it. He wants to scare his parents

معنى النكته
الاب لابنه بعد الامتحان: دعني ارى تقريرك
الابن: صديقي استعاره مني لانه يريد ان يخيف والديه
هههههه معناتها انو تقريره سوووو باااااااااااد بس الولد ذكي بيبلغ ابوه الخبر بطريقه ذكيه هههههه


New member
8 نوفمبر 2008
maryam mam
u r welcome

خفايا الايام... انشالله تكوني احسن مننا بس خليك ع طول في قسمنا وراح تتعلمي معنا

.............كلنا بدينا من الصفر

دلع وردي

New member
3 مارس 2009
thank you for those funny joke

نتحول للعربي احسن ههههههههههههه

مرررة تجنن النكت اعجبتني انا وبنت خالتي

اف ذير از مور بليز قيف ات تو اص ؟؟
اتحداكي تفهمي شي ههههههههههههههه


New member
8 نوفمبر 2008
دلـــــــــــع وردي فهمت ....ههههههه

مشكوره ع المشاركه