مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

كلاس القواعد

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


New member
5 يوليو 2008
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أخواتي الغاليات
أرحب بكن مجددا في كلا س القواعد

الدورة كانت من 18/1- 16/2/09

لمدة 30 يوم

ايام الدراسة الفعلية كانت 22 يوم اي بمعدل 5 دروس يوميا
نهاية كل درس يوجد .. تمارين

عضوات التدريس:

Ms.English مسؤولة عن وضع الدروس باللغة الانجليزية.

الغاويهـ مسؤولة عن شرح الدروس باللغة العربية.

ملآك مسؤولة عن الاجابة عن استفسارات .

حزينة وعندي امل " ترانيم دجلة" مسؤولة عن استقبال الواجبات.

ستجدون الدروس مرتبة في هذا الموضوع ولمتابعة جميع تفاصيل الدروس من اسإلة و الاجابة النموذجية للتمارين ...يمكنكم الضغط


جدول الدروس:

Unit 1 : am/ is/are​

Unit 2 : am/ is / are -----> questions​

Unit 3: I am doing ----------> present continuous​

Unit 4 : are you doing ------> present continuous questions​

Unit 5 : I do/work/ like..etc ------->present simple​

Unit 6: I do not ----------------->present simple negative​

Unit 7: Do you....? --------------> present simple questions​

Unit 8: I have.. I 've got​

Unit 9: was/were​

Unit10: worked/got/went----->past simple​

Unit11: I did not.. Did you....?------>past simple negative and questions​

ملاحظة احتمال نضيف قاعدتين زيادة اذا كفى الوقت

التعديل الأخير:


New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 1:

"Am is and are"


I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am

He ;She ;It >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>Is

We ;you; they >>>>>> >>>>>>>are


I am not

He; She; It >>>>> is not

He is not

She is not

It is not

We; You; they>>>> are not

We are not

You are not

They are not



I am cold . Can you close the window; please

I am 32 years old. My sister is 29.

My brother is very tall. He is a policeman.

John is afraid of dogs.

Ann and I are good friends

Your keys are on the table.


I am tired but I am not hungry.

Tom is not interested in politics. He is interested in music.

Jane is not at home at the moment. She is at work.

Those people are not english. They are Australian.

It is sunny today but is not warm.


التمارين... "الواجب"

put in am, is or are:

the weather.. .. .. .. .. .. nice today.

I .. .. .. .. .. . .. not tired.

this bag.. .. .. .. .. .. heavy.

these bags.. .. .. .. .. .. heavy.

.My brother and I.. .. .. .. .. .. good tennis players.


write full sentences. Use is not or are not:

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..( your shoes very dirty )

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..( my brother a teacher )

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..( this house very big)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ( the shops open today)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .( my keys in my bags)
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة الأولى :

am , is و are


I > أنا < تاخذ am

He , she , it

> هو، هي ، it تستخدم للجماد < تاخذ is

مفرد ياخذ is

we , you , they

> نحن ، انت / انتم ، هؤلاء < تاخذ are

جمع ياخذ are



نضع بعد am,is و are


بهااي الطريقة

I am not

He; She; It >>>>> is not

He is not

She is not

It is not

We; You; they>>>> are not

We are not

You are not

They are not

> ضمائر المخاطبة و المتكلم كلها تعود للشخص المقصود به <


الأمثلة :

I am cold . Can you close the window; please

أنا بارد > بردان ^^" < . هلا اغلقت النافذة من فضلك.

I am 32 years old. My sister is 29.

أنا ابلغ من العمر 32 . أختي 29 سنة .

My brother is very tall. He is a policeman

أخي طويل جدا . هو شرطي .

John is afraid of dogs

جون يخاف من الكلاب

Ann and I are good friends

أنا و انّة اصدقاء جيدون .

> هنا استخدمنا are لأن الجملة تاتي بصيغة الجمع ؛
حيث ان الشخص لم يتكلم عن نفسه فقط إنما عن نفسه و صديقته <

Your keys are on the table.

مفاتيحك على الطاولة

> am , is و are تستخدم للوقت الحاضر <


I am tired but I amnot hungry

أنا متعب . لكن لست جائع

Tom isnot interested in politics. He is interested in music

توم ليس مهتما بالسياسة . هو يهتم بالموسيقى

Jane isnot at home at the moment. She is at work

جين ليست في المنزل في هذه الحظة . هي في العمل .

Those people arenot english. They are Australian

أولئك الناس ليسوا إنجليز . هم استراليين

It is sunny today but isnot warm

اليوم مشمس لكن ليس دافئ


التمارين لا تترجم


New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 2:

Am /is / are ( questions)


I >>>>>>>>>>> am

He ;She ;It >>>>>>> Is

We ;you; they >>>>>> are


Am I​

؟ Is he? Is she ? Is it

are we? Are you? Are they



Am I late ? no you are on time.

Is your mother at home? No, she is out

Are your parents at home? No, they are out.

Is it cold in your room? Yes, a little.

Your shoes are nice, are they new?


Where.. what ..who .. how .. why.. ?

Where is your mother?

How are your parents? Are they well?

How much are these postcards?

Short answers


Yes, I am

Yes, he is

Yes, she is

Yes , it is

Yes, we are

Yes, you are

Yes, they are


no, I am not

no, he is not

no, she is not

no , it is not

no, we are not

no, you are not

no, they are not

تابع الأمثلة:


Are you tired? Yes I am

Are you hungry? No I am not but I am thirsty

Is your friend english? Yes he is.

Are these your keys? Yes they are.

That is my seat. No it is not.


Find the right answers for the questions.


Where is the camera?

Is your car blue?

Is Linda from London?

Am I late?

Where is Ann from?

What colour is your bag?

Are you hungry?

How is George?

Who is that woman?

** Answers:

A: London.

B: No, I am not

C: Yes, you are.

D: My sister.

E: Black

F: No, it is black

G: In your bag.

H: No, she is American.

I: very well.

Complete the questions. Use what / who/ where/ how?

. your parents? They are very well.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

. the bus stop? At the end of the street... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

your children? Five, six and ten... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

. these oranges? $ 1.20 a kilo... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..

your favourite sport? Skiing... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

.the man in this photograph? That is my father. ... .. . .. .. ... . . .. .. ..

.your new shoes? Black.… .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدةالثانية :

أسئلة am / is / are

الإيجااب :

تم شرح هذه النقطة سابقا

I / He / She / It / They / you / we >> ضمائر الرفع

is / are / am >> افعال مساعدة

الأسئلة :

Am I

هل أنا ؟

؟ Is he? Is she ? Is it

هل هو ؟ هل هي ؟ اليس كذلك ؟

are we? Are you? Are they

هل نحن ؟ هل انت / انتم ؟ هل هم ؟

> عند السؤال ، تاتي الأفعال المساعدة قبل الضمائر <


أ :

Am I late ? no you are on time

هل تأخرت ؟ / هل انا متاخر ؟ لا ، أنت في الوقت المناسب

Is your mother at home? No, she is out

هل أمك في المنزل ؟ لا ، هي في الخارج .

Are your parents at home? No, they are out

هل والداك في المنزل ؟ لا ، هم في الخارج .

Is it cold in your room? Yes, a little

هل غرفتك باردة ؟ نعم ، قليلا .

Your shoes are nice, are they new?

أحذيتك جميلة ، هل هم جدد ؟

ب :

where > أين < تستخدم للسؤال عن المكان

what > ماذا < تستخدم للسؤال عن الحدث أو شي معين

who > من < تستخدم للسؤال عن الشخص

how > كيف < تستخدم للسؤال عن الحال

why > لماذا < تستخدم للسؤال عن السبب

Where is your mother?

أين هي امك؟

How are your parents? Are they well

كيف هم والداك ؟ هل هم بخير ؟

How much are these postcards?

ما مقدار هذه البطاقات البريدية؟

أجوبة قصيرة / مختصرة


نعم ، انا كذلك

نعم ، هو كذلك

نعم ، هي كذلك

نعم ، هو كذلك

نعم ، نحن كذلك

نعم ، أنت / انتم كذلك

نعم ، هم كذلك

النفي :

لا ، أنا لست كذلك

لا ، هو ليس كذلك

لا، هي ليست كذلك

لا ، ليس كذلك

لا ، لسنا كذلك

لا ، لست / لستم كذلك

لا ، ليسوا كذلك

تابع الأمثلة :

ج :

Are you tired? Yes I am

هل أنت نتعب ؟ نعم أنا كذلك

Are you hungry? No I am not but I am thirsty

هل أنت جائع ؟ لا ، لست كذلك و لكني عطشان

Is your friend english? Yes he is

هل صديقك انجليزي ؟ نعم هو كذلك .

Are these your keys? Yes they are

هل هذه مفاتيحك ؟ نعم هي كذلك .

That is my seat. No it is not

ذلك مقعدي. لا هو ليس كذلك .



New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 3

I am doing ( present continuous) ii


She is eating------> now... but she is not reading now
it is raining , so the sun is not shining now.
they are running, so they are not walking now.​

The present conitnuous is

am/ are/is + V-ing------->am/ are/ is + doing/ eating/ running/ writing..etc


I am +v-ing--------> I am working now​

he is +V-ing----->tom is writing a letter​

She is +V-ing---------> she is not eating
It is +V-ing----------> the phone is ringing​

We are + V-ing------------> We are having dinner​

You are + V-ing------------>you are listening to me
They are + V-ing-------> the children are doing their homework​


I am not + v-ing--------> I am not working now​

he is not + V-ing----->Tom is not writing a letter​

She is not + V-ing---------> she is not eating
It is not +V-ing----------> the phone is not ringing​

We are not + V-ing------------> We are not having dinner​

You are not + V-ing------------>you are not listening to me​

They are + V-Ing-------> the children are doing their homework​


present continuos ## something is happening now

Futureـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ NowــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــPast​

Please be quiet .I am working
Look at Sue! she is wearing her new hat
The weather is nice at the moment. It is not raining
You can turn off the television. I am not watching it​


Part # 1

What is happening at the moment:Complete the sentences. Use one of these Verbs:​

cook/ stand / swim/ work/stay

Please be quiet. I am......................0
Where is John?He is in the Kitchen. He ...............0
You are............. on my foot. "Oh I am sorry
Look! somebody .............in the river.
We are on holiday. We .............at the Central Hotel​

Part # 2

What is not happening at the moment:Complete the sentences. Use She :

Have dinner......................0​

Watch television........................0​

sit on the floor....................0​

read a book.....................0​

play the piano................0​
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 3 :

I am doing ( المضارع المستمر )

أ :

She is eating------> now... but she is not reading now

هي تاكل ، لكنها لا تقرأ الآن .

it is raining , so the sun is not shining now

انها تمطر ، لذا الشمس ليست ساطعة الآن .

they are running, so they are not walking now.

هم يركضون ، لذا هم لا يمشون الآن .

المضارع المستمر هو :

am / is / are + فعل - ing

====> am/ are/ is + doing/ eating/ running/ writing..etc

> في المضارع المستمر يلزم وجود am / are / is و عدم وجودهم لا يمكن وضع

الـ ing مع الفعل <

الإيجااب :

I am +v-ing--------> I am working now

أنا + فعل - ing -----> انا اعمل الآن

he is +V-ing----->tom is writing a letter

هو + فعل - ing -----> توه يكتب رسالة

She is +V-ing---------> she is eating

هي + فعل - ing ----- > هي تاكل

It is +V-ing----------> the phone is ringing

هو/هي + فعل - ing ------------- > الهاتف يرن

We are + V-ing------------> We are having dinner

نحن + فعل - ing -------> نحن نتعشى

You are + V-ing------------>you are listening to me

أنت / أنتم + فعل - ing -----> انت / انتم تستمع / ون إلي

They are + V-ing-------> the children are doing their homework

هم + فعل - ing -----> الأطفال يأدون واجبهم

النفي :

I am not + v-ing--------> I am not working now

انا لست + فعل - ing -------> انا لا اعمل الآن

he is not + V-ing----->Tom is not writing a letter

هو ليس + فعل - ing -----> توم لا يكتب الرسالة

She is not + V-ing---------> she is not eating

هي ليست + فعل - ing --------> هي لا تاكل

It is not +V-ing----------> the phone is not ringing

هو / هي ليس + فعل - ing ------------ > الهاتف لا يرن

We are not + V-ing------------> We are not having dinner

نحن لسنا + فعل - ing --------> نحن لا نتعشى

You are not + V-ing------------>you are not listening to me

انت / انتم لست / م + فعل - ing -------> انت / انتم لا تستمع / ون إلي

They are not + V-Ing-------> the children are not doing their homework

هم ليسوا + فعل - ing ------> الأطفال لا يادون واجبهم

ب :

مضارع مستمر ## شي يحدث الآن

ماضي ______________ الآن / الوقت الحاضر _________________ مستقبل

Please be quiet .I am working

رجاء اسكت . إني أعمل

Look at Sue! she is wearing her new hat

انظر إلى سو ! هي تلبس قبعتها الجديدة

The weather is nice at the moment. It is not raining

إن الطقس لطيف في الوقت الحالي . إنها لا تمطر

You can turn off the television. I am not watching it

تستطيع إطفاء التلفاز . أنا لا اشاهده


مجددا أكرر الواجبات لا تترجم



New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 4:

Are you doing?.. .. ( present continuos question)



I am doing

He is doing

She is doing

You are doing

We are doing

They are doing


Am I doing?..

Is he doing?

Is she doing?

Is it doing?

Are you doing?

Are we doing?

Are they doing?


Are you feeling Ok? Yes I am fine, thank you.

Is it raining? Yes take an umbrella.

Why are you wearing a coat? It is not cold


What is Paul doing? He is reading the newspaper

What are the children doing? The are watching television.


Study the word order:

Is/ are + subject + v-ing


Write the question from these words. Use use is or are and put the words in order.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Working/ Paul/ today

What / doing/ the children.. .. ... .. .. .. .. 0

You/ listening/ to me.. .. ... .. ... .. ... 0

Where / going / your friends.. ... .. .. .. .. .. 0

Your parents/ television/ watching.. ... .. ... .. .. .. 0
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 4 :

Are you doing ( اسئلة المضارع المستمر )

أ :

الايجاب :

كما شرحنا سابقا ..

> المضارع المستمر ياخذ الفعل ing مع وجود الافعال المساعدة <

I ----> am ---->v.ing

أنا + am + الفعل . ing

He / She / It ----> is ----> v. ing

هو / it / هي + is + الفعل . ing

They / You / We ----> are ----> v.ing

هم / انت، انتم / نحن + are + الفعل . ing

الأسئلة :

> عند السؤال .. تأتي الافعال المساعدة اولا ثم ضمائر الرفع و بعدها الفعل مع ing <

Am + I + v. ing

Am + انا + الفعل . ing

Is + He /She / It + v. ing

Is + هو / هي / it + الفعل . ing

Are + They / You / we + v. ing

Are + هم / انت ، انتم / نحن + الفعل . ing

الأمثلة :

Are you feeling Ok? Yes I am fine, thank you.

هل تشعر أنك جيد ؟ نعم ، أنا بخير . شكرا لك

Is it raining? Yes take an umbrella

هل تمطر ؟ نعم ، خذ مظلتك الشمسية .

Why are you wearing a coat? It is not cold

لماذا تلبس المعطف ؟ إنه ليس باردا

What is Paul doing? He is reading the newspaper

ماذا يعمل بول ؟ هو يقرأ الصحيفة

What are the children doing? The are watching television

ماذا يفعل الأطفال ؟ هم يشاهدون التلفاز

ب :

ادرس ترتيب الكلمات

is / are + الفاعل / ضمائر الرفع + الفعل . ing

الدرس باللغة الانجليزية في الصفحة الثامنة


New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 5:

I do / work/ like.. etc.. .. present simple


They are looking at their books..now.. so they read a lot

He is eating Ice-cream.. now.. so he likes ice-cream

I , we, you, they:

Read/ like/ work/ live/ watch/ do / have

He, She, it:

Reads/ likes/ works/ lives/ watches/ does/ has


I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank.

Linda lives in London. Her parent live in Scoland.

It rains a lot in winter.


We use present simple for things that are true in general or things that are happen sometimes or all the time.

I like big cities.

The shops open at 9 o clock and close at 5.30

Tim works very hard. He starts at 7.30 am and finishes at pm


Always / never/ often/ sometimes/ usually + present simple

Tom always arrives at work early--à not Tom arrives always

I usually go to work by car

Julia never eats breakfast

Tom lives near us. We often see him


Complete the sentences use these verbs:

Eat / live/ play/ go/ sleep

He .. .. .. the piano

They.. .. .. .. .. in vey big house

She .. .. .. a lot of fruit

They .. .. .. .. .. to the cinema a lot

He .. .. .. .. .. .. eight hours at night

Complete the sentences:

She / TV/ watch / always

Never/ He / read / bed/ in

I/ coffee/ usually/ drink
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 5 :

المضارع البسيط .. انا افعل / احب / اعمل

أ :

They are looking at their books..now.. so they read a lot

هم ينظرون إلى كتبهم الآن . إذاً هم يقرأون كثيراً

He is eating Ice-cream.. now.. so he likes ice-cream

هو يأكل المثلجات الآن .. إذاً هو يحب المثلجات

> لا حظوا وجود إختلاف في الافعال المضارعة في كلا الجملتين ، سنتطرق

إلى هذا الاختلاف لاحقا <

أنا ، نحن ، هم ، انت / انتم

Read/ like/ work/ live/ watch/ do / have

يقرأ / يحب / يعمل / يعيش / يشاهد / يفعل / له

هو ، هي ، it

Reads/ likes/ works/ lives/ watches/ does/ has

يقرأ / يحب / يعمل / يعيش / يشاهد / يفعل / له

> هنا لاحظنا الاختلاف ، إنه في حالة المفرد he / she / it اضفنا s للأفعال و لم نفعل في حالة
الجمع و التكلم عن النفس I / we / they / you ؛ حيث أن هذه الـ s ليست للجمع ، إنما لتميز
فعل المضارع للمفرد عن فعل المضارع للجمع <

الأمثلة :

I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank

أنا اعمل في محل . أخي يعمل في البنك

Linda lives in London. Her parent live in Scoland

تعيش ليندا في لندن . والداها يعيشان في اسكوتلاندا

It rains a lot in winter

إنها تمطر كثيرا في الشتاء .

> الاختلاف الثاني إنه لم نستخدم أي من are / am / is ، حيث في الافعال المضارعة البسيطة ،
نضع الـ s بدلا من is في الجمل المفردة و لا نضعه في الجملة الجمعية او التكلم عن الذات <

ب :

نحن نستخدم المضارع البسيط للأشياء الحقيقية عامة ، أو للأشياء التي تحدث احيانا او طوال الوقت .

I like big cities

أنا احب المدن الكبيرة

The shops open at 9 o clock and close at 5.30

تفتح المحلات في الساعة 9 و تغلق في الساعة 5:30

Tim works very hard. He starts at 7.30 am and finishes at pm

يعمل تيم بجد . هو يبدا في الساعة 7:30 صباحا و ينتهي في المساء

ج :

دائما / أبدا / في اغلب الأحيان / أحيانا / عادة + المضارع البسيط

Tom always arrives at work early--à not Tom arrives always

توم دائما يصل إلى العمل مبكراً --- > ليس توم يصل دائما

Iusually go to work by car

اذهب عادة إلى العمل بالسيارة .

Julianever eats breakfast

جوليا أبدا لا تاكل الفطور .

Tom lives near us. Weoftensee him

توم يعيش بقربنا . نراه في أغلب الأحيان

> always / never / often / sometimes / usually تاتي قبل الأفعال المضارعة <​


New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 6:

I do not..( present simple negative) 0


The present simple negative is do not / does not + verb:

I do not drink coffee. She does not drink coffee.

I do not like my job. He does not like his job.


I work

We like

You do

They have

He works

She has

It does


I do not work

We do not like

You do not do

They do not have

He does not work .. .. .. .. not he does not works

She does not have .. .. .. .. not she does not has

It does not do.. .. .. not it does not does


I do not like Fred and Fred does not like me

My car does not use much petrol

Sometimes he is late but it does not happen very often

Remember: we use do not/ does not + infnitive


Write the negative:

I play the piano very well.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Jane plays the piano very well.. .. .. .. ..

They know my phone number.. .. .. .. .. ..

We work very hard.. .. .. .. .. .

He has a bath every day. .. .. .. ..
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 6 :

أنا لا أعمل .. ( المضارع البسيط > نفي < )


نفي المضارع البسيط هو do not / does not + فعل

كلاهما يأتيان بمعنى عدم فعل الشي

I do not drink coffee. She does not drink coffee.

أنا لا اشرب القهوة . هي لا تشرب القهوة

I do not like my job. He does not like his job

أنا لا أحب عملي . هو لا يحب عمله .

I / They / We / You ----> do

He / She / It ----> does

الإيجاب :

I work

أنا اعمل

We like

نحن نحب

You do

أنت / انتم تعمل / ون

They have

هم لديهم

He works

هو يعمل

She has

هي لديها

It does

هو / هي يعمل

> تم شرح هذه النقطة سابقا متى نضع الـ s مع الفعل المضارع البسيط و متى لا <

النفي :

I do not work

أنا لا أعمل

We do not like

نحن لا نحب

You do not do

أنت / انتم لا تعمل / ون

They do not have

هم ليس لديهم

He does not work .. .. .. .. not he does not works

هو لا يعمل

She does not have .. .. .. .. not she does not has

هي ليس لديها

It does not do.. .. .. not it does not does

هو لا يعمل

> عند استخدام النفي في الجملة ، يستخدم do / does + not مع الفعل الذي يقام به read / like <

> في الجملة المفردة المنفية لا يمكن إضافة الـ s مرتين للفعل المضارع : يضاف إلى do فيصبح
does لأنه استخدم في جملة مفردة اما الفعل الأخر مثل work / like لا تضاف إليها الـ s ، كما ورد في الأمثلة <

ب :

I do not like Fred and Fred does not like me

أنا لا أحب فريد و فريد لا يحبني

My car does not use much petrol

سيارتي لا تستخدم الكثير من الوقود

Sometimes he is late but it does not happen very often

أحيانا يتأخر لكن لا يحدث ذلك في اغلب الاحيان .

تذكري : نستخدم do not / does not + الفعل المضارع

> يعني فعل مضارع عادي لا يضاف إليه s او ing أو اي شي آخر <


New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 7:

Do you .. .. .. ? present simple questions


We use do / does in present simple questions:


I work

We like

You do

They have

He works

She has

It does


Do I work

Do we like

Do you do

Do they have

Does he work

Does she have?.. .. not does she has

Does it do?


Study the word order:

Do/ Does + subject +infinitive

Questions with always/ usually/ often:

what do you do? = What is your job?0


Short answers:

Do I work .? No, I do not

Do we like? Yes we do

Do you do? Yes I do

Do they have? No they do not

Does he work? Yes he does

Does she have? No she does not

Does it do? Yes it does


Write questions use words in (..) + do/ does:0

( where/ live/ your parents)

( you / early/ always/ get up)

( How / often/TV/ you/ watch)

(you/ want/ what/ for dinner)

( like / you / football)

Write short answers:

Do you watch TV a lot?0

Does she live in a big city?0

Does he often ride a bicycle?0

Does it rain a lot where you live?0

Do you play the piano?0
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 7 :

Do you .. اسئلة الفعل المضارع البسيط

أ :

نحن نستخدم Do / does في اسئلة الفعل المضارع البسيط

الايجاب :

I work

أنا اعمل

We like

نحن نحب

You do

انت تعمل

They have

هم لديهم

He works

هو يعمل

She has

هي لديها

It does

هو يعمل

> تم شرح هذه النقطة سابقا <

الأسئلة :

Do I work

هل اعمل ؟

Do we like

هل نحب ؟

Do you do

هل تعمل ؟

Do they have

هل لديهم ؟

Does he work

هل يعمل ؟

Does she have?.. .. not does she has

هل لديها ؟

Does it do?

هل يعمل ؟

> عند السؤال

Do + ضمائر الرفع We / I / You / They + الفعل

Does + ضمائر الرفع He / She / It + الفعل ( بدون s) <

ب :

ادرسي ترتيب الكلمات

Do / Does + الفاعل / ضمائر الرفع + الفعل المضارع

> شرح هذه الاسئلة يشابه شرح الاسئلة السابقة فوق مع إضافة اسئلة WH في البداية <

اسئلة مع دائما / عادة / في اغلب الاحيان

> عندما نضيف Always / often / usually نضعه بعد الفاعل / ضمائر الرفع و قبل الفعل في السؤال <

what do you do? = What is your job?

ماذا تعمل ؟ = ما هو عملك ؟

> الجملتان تختلفان في الصيغة و لكن يعطيان نفس المعنى <

ج :

الأجوبة القصيرة


> عند الاجابة بطريقة مختصرة


Yes + ضمائر الرفع + Do / Does


No + ضمائر الرفع + Do / Does not <

Do I work .? No, I do not

هل اعمل ؟ لا ، انا لست كذلك

Do we like? Yes we do

هل نحب ؟ نعم ، نحن كذلك

Do you do? Yes I do

هل تعمل ؟ نعم ، انا كذلك

Do they have? No they do not

هل لديهم ؟ لا ، هم ليسوا كذلك

Does he work? Yes he does

هل يعمل ؟ نعم ، هو كذلك

Does she have? No she does not

هل لديها ؟ لا ، هي ليست كذلك

Does it do? Yes it does

هل يعمل ؟ نعم ، هو كذلك .



New member
5 يوليو 2008
Unit 8:

I have..../ I've got


You can say I have or I 've got , he has or he is got.


I have = I have got..I ' ve got

We have = we have got..we 've go

You have = you have got..you' ve go

They have = they have got..they 've go

He has = he has got.. he 's got

She has = she has got.. she 's got

It has = it has got.. it 's got


I ve got blue eyes = I have blue eyes

Tim has got two sisters = Tim has two sisters

Our car has got four doors

They ve got a horse , three dogs and six cats

B: have not got / have you got?0


I have not got

We have not got

You have not got

They have not got

He has not got

She has not got

It has not got


Have I got? 0

Have we got? 0

Have you got ? 0

Have they got?0

Has he got? 0

Has she got? 0

Has it got?0

Short answers:


Yes, I have

Yes, We have

Yes, You have

Yes, They have

Yes, He has

Yes, She has

Yes, It has


No, I have not

No, We have not

No, You have not

No, They have not

No, He has not

No, She has not

No, It has not


I have got motor- pike but I have not got a car

Mr and Mrs Harris have not got any children

It is a nice house but it has not got a garden

Have you got a camera ? No , I have not

What have you got in your bag? Nothing . it is empty


I do not have? Do you have?0

In negatives and questions you can also use do and does.

They do not have any childern = they have not got any children

It is a nice house but it has not got a garden = but it does not have a garden

Does Ann have a car? = Has Ann got a car?0

How much money do you have? = How much money have you got?0


Write questions:

You / an umbrella

You / a passport

Your father / a car

Carol / many friends

You / any brothers or sisters
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 8 :

أنا عندي / I've = I have اختصار للكلمة

أ :

You can say I have or I 've got , he has or he is got.

تستطيع ان تقول عندي او انا عندي ، عنده او هو عنده

> Have / Has لتمليك الشي ( الملكية ) <

الإيجاب :

I have = I have got..I ' ve got

عندي = انا عندي

We have = we have got..we 've got

عندنا = نحن عندنا

You have = you have got..you' ve got

عند / كم = انت / انتم عند / كم

They have = they have got..they 've go

عندهم = هم عندهم

He has = he has got.. he 's got

عنده = هو عنده

She has = she has got.. she 's got

عندها = هي عندها

It has = it has got.. it 's got

عنده = هو عنده

I / They / We / You >>>> Have

He / She / It >>>< Has

الأمثلة :

I ve got blue eyes = I have blue eyes

انا عندي عيون زرقاء = عندي عيون زرقاء

Tim has got two sisters = Tim has two sisters

تيم عنده اختان = تيم عنده اختان

Our car has got four doors

سيارتنا لديها 4 ابواب

They ve got a horse , three dogs and six cats

هو عندهم حصان ، 3 كلاب و 6 قطط

ب :

ليس لديه / هل حصلت

النفي :

I have not got

انا ليس لدي

We have not got

نحن ليس لدينا

You have not got

انت / انتم ليس لديك / م

They have not got

هم ليس لديهم

He has not got

هو ليس لدي

She has not got

هي ليس لديها

It has not got

هو ليس لديه

الأسئلة :

Have I got? 0

هل لدي ؟

Have we got? 0

هل حصلنا ؟

Have you got ? 0

هل حصلت ؟

Have they got?0

هل حصلوا ؟

Has he got? 0

هل حصل ؟

Has she got? 0

هل حصلت ؟

Has it got?0

هل حصل ؟

أجوبة مختصرة :

الايجاب :

Yes, I have

نعم ، انا لدي

Yes, We have

نعم ، هم لديهم

Yes, You have

نعم ، انت / انتم لديك / م

Yes, They have

نعم ، هم لديهم

Yes, He has

نعم ، هو لديه

Yes, She has

نعم ، هي لديها

Yes, It has

هو لديه

النفي :

No, I have not

لا ، ليس لدي

No, We have not

لا ، ليس لدينا

No, You have not

لا ، ليس لديك / م

No, They have not

لا ، ليس لديهم

No, He has not

لا ، ليس لديه

No, She has not

لا ، ليس لديها

No, It has not

لا ، ليس لديه

الأمثلة :

I have got motor- pike but I have not got a car

انا لدي الدراجة النارية / المحركة لكن ليس لدي سيارة

Mr and Mrs Harris have not got any children

السيد و السيدة هاريس ليس لديهم اي اطفال

It is a nice house but it has not got a garden

انه منزل جميل لكن ليس لديه حديقة

Have you got a camera ? No , I have not

هل لديك كاميرا ؟ لا ، ليس لدي

What have you got in your bag? Nothing . it is empty

ماذا لديك في حقيبتك ؟ لا شي . انها فارغة .

ج :

تستطيع استخدام Do / Does في الاسئلة و النفي

They do not have any children = they have not got any children

هم ليس عندهم اي اطفال = هم ليس لهم اي اطفال

It is a nice house but it has not got a garden = but it does not have a garden

انه منزل جميل لكن ليس لديه حديقة = لكنه ليس عنده حديقة

Does Ann have a car? = Has Ann got a car?0

هل آنّة لديها سيارة ؟ = هل آنّة لديها سيارة ؟

How much money do you have? = How much money have you got?0

ما مقدار المال عندك ؟ = كم مال لديك ؟


New member
5 يوليو 2008
:Unit 9

Was / were


(Am/ is( present)-àwas( past

I am tired.. .. now

Where is Ann? .. now

The weather is good to day.

I was tired last night

?Where was Ann yesterday

The weather was good last week.

(Are ( present) à were (past

You are late.. now

They are not here. Now

You were late yesterday

They were not here last Sunday


Am is and are


I >>>>>>>>>>> was

He ;She ;It >>>>>>> was

We ;you; they >>>>>> were


I was not

He; She; It >>>>> was not

We; You; they>>>> were not


?was I

؟was he?was she?was it

؟were we? were you? were they


Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now

When I was a child, I was afraid of dogs

We were hungry after the journey but were not tired

The hotel was comfortable but it was not expensive

Was the weather good when you were on

Those shoes are nice. Were they expensive?0

Why were you late this morning?0

Short answers

Yes, I was

Yes he was

Yes she was

Yes it was


Yes, you were

Yes, they were

Yes, we were

Where you late? No , I was not

Was Ted at work yesterday?0

Were Sue and Steve at the party? No they were not


Put in am / is/ are( present) or was/ were (past)0

Last year she .. .. .. .. 22, so she.. .. .. .. 23 now

Today the weather .. .. .. . .. nice but yesterday .. .. .. .. very cold

I .. .. .. . hungry . can I have something to eat?0

I feel fine this morning but I .. .. .. .. tired last night

Where .. .. . .. .. you at 11 o clock last Friday morning?0

Do not buy this shoes. They .. .. .. .. very expensive

I like your jacket. ... .. .. .. it expensive?0

This time last year I .. .. .. .. in Paris

Where .. .. .. .. the children? I do not know! They .. .. .. in the garden ten minutes ago.0

We were not happy with the hotel. Our room .. .. .. .. very small
29 يونيو 2007
الوحدة 9 :

was / were >> كان

was ماضي من Is / Am

were ماضي من Are

أ :

Am / is ( مضارع ) ------> Was ( ماضي )

I am tired.. .. now

أنا متعب .. الآن

Where is Ann? .. now

اين هي آنّة ؟ .. الآن

The weather is good today

الطقس جيد اليوم .

I was tired last night

كنت متعب الليلة السابقة

?Where was Ann yesterday

اين كانت آنّة بالامس ؟

The weather was good lastweek

الطقس كان جيدا الاسبوع الماضي

> Last week / yesterday / last night تدل على الماضي

Today / Now تدل على الحاضر

Are ( مضارع ) ------> Were ( ماضي )

You are late.. now

انت متاخر .. الآن

They are not here. Now

هم ليسوا هنا .. الآن

You were late yesterday

كنت متاخر بالامس

They were not here lastSunday

هم لم يكونوا هنا الأحد الماضي .

ب :

Am / Is و Are

الإيجاب :

I >>>>>>>>>>> was

He ;She ;It >>>>>>> was

انا / هو / هي / It -----> كان ( was )

We ;you; they >>>>>> were

هم / نحن / انت ، انتم -----> كان ( were )

النفي :

I was not

He; She; It >>>>> was not

أنا / هو / هي / It -----> ما كان ( wasn't )

We; You; they>>>> were not

نحن / انت ، انتم / هم -----> ما كانت ( weren't )

الأسئلة :

?was I

؟was he?was she?was it

was + I / He / she / It

؟were we? were you? were they

Were + We / They / you

> الاسئلة هنا تاتي بمعنى اليس كذلك ؟ و لكنها تختلف باختلاف السؤال و وضعها في جملة كاملة كما في
الأمثلة التالية <

الأمثلة :

Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now

السنة الماضية كانت رايتشل 22 ، اذا هي 23 الآن .

When I was a child, I was afraid of dogs

عندما كنت طفل ، كنت اخاف من الكلاب .

We were hungry after the journey but were not tired

نحن كنا جياع بعد الرحلة و لكن لم نكن متعبين

The hotel was comfortable but it was not expensive

الفندق كان مريح و لكن لم يكن غالي .

Was the weather good when you were on

هل كان الطقس جيد عندما كنت في العطلة ؟

Those shoes are nice. Were they expensive?

تلك الأحذية جميلة . هل كانت غالية ؟

Why were you late this morning?

لم كنت متاخرا هذا الصباح ؟

أجوبة مختصرة :

Yes, I was

Yes he was

Yes she was

Yes it was

نعم ، انا / هو / هي / it كنت / كان / كانت

Yes, you were

Yes, they were

Yes, we were

نعم ، نحن / هم / انت ، انتم كان / وا / كنا

Were you late? No , I was not

هل كنت متاخرا ؟ لا ، لم أكن

Was Ted at work yesterday?

هل كان تيد في العمل بالأمس ؟

Were Sue and Steve at the party? No they were not

هل كان سو و ستيف في الحفلة ؟ لا، لم يكونوا



New member
5 يوليو 2008
:Unit 10

(Worked/ got/ went etc (past simple


(They watch television every evening ( present simple

(They watched television yesterday evening (past simple

:Watched is the past simple

I/ we/ you/ they/ he/ she/ it-à watched


The past simple is often ..ed (regular verbs) for example

Work à worked

Stay à stayed



This morning I cleaned my teeth

Yesterday it rained all morning

We enjoyed the party last time


Try à tried

Studyà studied

Copy à copied

Stop à stopped

Plan à planned


some verbs irregulare . the simple past is not .. ed

For example:

Begin à began

Break à broke

Bring à brought

Fall à fell

Find à found

Eat à ate


I usually get up early but this morning I got up at 9:30

We did a lot of work yesterday

Jim came into the room , took off his coat and sat down


Writ the past simple of the verbs:










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