مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

ساعدوني مالي الا يوم السبت وفديتكم والله لأدعيلكم بظهر الغيب

6 نوفمبر 2009
السلام عليكم
بنااااات ساعدوني علي اختبارات ومطلوب اتكلم عن موضوعين وعلي اكتب رسايل
ولا ادري وش اسوي انا اذاكر او اكتب موضوعين او احفظ موضوعين ومالي الا انتم فديتكم مطلوب مني المواضيع يوم الاحد ولاقدرت اكتب من كثر الاختبارات انا اذاكر او اكتب اللله يسامحهم بس ضغط بضغط
وفديتكم والله لادعيلكم من كل قلبي بظهر الغيب وهذا وعد مني
1/ وش رايك بالبيت
your Opinion about your home
2/ افضل اجازه
my Best vacation
3/ اكتب رساله الى صديقتي اشتياق او اي شي
Person Letter To friend
4/ رساله عمل ((( مثلا اكتب كيف اقدم على طلب عمل ))))
بناااااااات واللله تعبت نفسيتي ساعدوني انتم ياحبيلكم ماتقصرون واللي تقدرون عليه بس ارجوكم لاتأجلون لانه مافيه وقت فديتكم انتظر دعمكم لي


New member
15 يونيو 2009
كم تبغين سطر او كلمة حددي ياقمر وانشالله يطلع معايا شي
6 نوفمبر 2009
ياقلبي اللي يجي منك يعني من 7 او 8 اسطر واكثر شي 10 بس اللي تقدري عليه لو 5 والله يجزاك الف خير
6 نوفمبر 2009
فديتكم انشاءالله متفائله فيكم والحين بروح اذاكر وبأذن الله احصل ردود ومساعده منكم والله يوفقنا ويوفق كل بنات المسلمين

أحبه ولكن

New member
29 مارس 2008
وعليكم السلام والرحمه ..
اختي انا داااجه في التعبير وفي اللغه الانجليزيه ..مالي شهرين ادرس اللغه..بس حااولت وعصرت مخي ولاطلع لي غير سطرين ..ان شاء الله يفيدووك ..على فكره انا كتبت وترجمة بالنت ماادري اذا الترجمه صح او لاآ ..
هذا السطر لموضوع مارايك في منزلك ..

My home is my kingdom, a special place where I
find the freedom and comfort.

وهذي مقطع من رسالة طلب عمل ..

Peace, mercy and blessings of God
I would like to extend to the request of the job for you .. because I see myself agree with the terms offered.
Thank you .

الله يوفقك ويهون عليك الاختبارات وتعدي على خيـــر ..ياارب
والله منحرجه منك احس ماقدرت اسااعدك ..


أحبه ولكن

New member
29 مارس 2008
وهذي رساله لصديقه ..

Peace, mercy and blessings of God ..
How are you doing
How I miss you dear ..
I've missed playing with you ..
I miss to hear the laughter .. I miss for console you.
I miss everything reminds me of you.
I will friend you fulfilled in your presence and your absence.
I will write it in my heart the most beautiful friendship and you are wonderful friend.
I wish you a happy life.

ان شاء الله تعجبك ..
15 يوليو 2009
والله يآعمري خااطري آساعدك بس توني حتى كورس اللغه ماابيدته ..
ببحث لك عن موااضيع وان شاء الله القى لك

لقيت لك عن السياحه في كتابي ..
Istanbul is a very interesting city in western Turkey. It's special for several reasons .First,it has some wonderful mosques .The blue Mosque is extremely beautiful,and no visitor should miss it. Allow plenty of time to visit this very amaizing place.
بدور لك عن الصداقه ^ ^
دعوآتك الله يسهل آموري والله يوفقك ان شاء الله
15 يوليو 2009
لقيت موضوع طويل عن الصداقه ..اختاري منه الي تبين ونسقيه على كيفك عشان مايبين انه ملطوش هههههه

This leads to a sense of familiarity, which is expected, but it can also give a sense of intimacy, even friendship, which is wrong, because what’s going on here is not friendship, although inside us many of the feelings that come from being a regular reader of a weblog are the same ones we feel as we are developing a friendship, in the world evolution designed us for. But this is not that world.

And with this comes a tough lesson, and unfortunately it seems, you only learn this by living, television doesn’t teach it, schools don’t teach it, and if you’re above a certain age, our parents didn’t teach it. You have to learn it by living, by thinking of someone as a friend, only to find out they don’t think of you as a friend. It can be devastating, I know, I’ve been there myself. But all the wishing, all the manipulation, all the determination, just serves to push the would-be friend further away. Because friendship is something you choose to do, you don’t do it out of a sense of obligation. To force someone to be a friend is to not have a friend

It’s not just something that happens with blogs, celebrity of any kind yields a false intimacy, they’ve made dozens of movies about it. The star is objectified. In the presence of a fan, the star is not a human, it’s an object, it behaves the way the fan wants it to behave. It signs the autograph, it smiles, it thanks. Stephen King wrote a horror story about this called Misery in which the pro***onist is bound, held hos***e and tortured by a fan. There’s an awful DeNiro movie, where he plays a fan who’s determined to be friends with a star, played by Jerry Lewis. It’s one of the few movies I’ve walked out on, it’s so hard to watch.

I learned a lot about friends when I got sick in 2002. I learned that a friend is someone I trust to be with me when I am at my weakest and most vulnerable. And they are people who, no matter how painful it is to see, are willing to be with me when I am so helpless and weak. If I would trust my life with you, and vice versa, we are friends. It’s not about whether you are trustworthy, or whether you are friendly, it’s the actual act of trust that is the basis of friendship. If I trust you to be truthful, then you’re a friend. If I find I must be careful how I say things, then it’s something other than friendship.

Friendship is not a state of mind, it’s an act. It’s something you do, it’s not about whether you’re good or not, it’s not a reflection of you, it’s a balanced relationship between people. That doesn’t mean it’s always balanced at every moment. Sometimes you “need a friend” and other times it’s the other way. It’s a trust that’s returned. When I was younger and thought I was in love, a friend said it’s not love unless it’s returned. Friendship and love are not quite the same thing, although there’s a lot of love around friendship. I learned that love isn’t even something about two people, it’s a state of being for one person. You aren’t in love, you are love. You are, whether you acknowledge it or not. The heart that’s pumping blood through your body is an act of love, 24 hours a day, whether you’re Mother Teresa or Adolf Hitler. (Sorry for the extreme example.)

There’s a world of difference between being a friend and being a fan. I’ve heard people who I’ve never met say we’re friends. And then of course when I do something they don’t like, I’ve betrayed the supposed friendship. They’re living in a dreamworld. The more popular my weblog has become the more people have this dream. It’s very puzzling to be the object in the middle of this swirl of emotions, I say object because my job isn’t to be truthful, my job is to be who you think I should be. Of course that’s not friendship, that’s torture.

In 1997 I wrote: “When a friend changes you can find the bond that’s connecting you at a deeper level. The surface stuff isn’t a good thing to depend on. Physical bodies change as they grow. So do emotional bodies and intellectual ones. Take a deep breath. People move, life is more like a wild dance than a ceremony. You just can’t tell what’s coming next.”

So if you find yourself trying to coerce someone into not changing, then dear reader, that is not friendship, that is coercion

15 يوليو 2009
وهذا عن السفر _ملطوش_

العنوان: عطلة الصيف
Iam going to have a holiday next february
. My frinds and I have decided to go to Saudi Arabia.We are goingi to arrived on 6th February
.I am going there to visit our family and recording in the universite because I wil study there I am stayed 10 days and Icame back with my friend by special plane called Airbus 72 gulf air.


New member
28 أغسطس 2009

your opinion about your home

The house is a small world is an integrated place to live and protect, not only, but became a special place in many things such as comfort, calm and work and have fun, love and a place of worship and place of celebration and times of a place includes children and includes Lover times
It is the foundation in this life



New member
28 أغسطس 2009

the best vacation

The summer vacation season is expected of everyone, both students and the year after hard study and hard work, or even the staff so relax a little bit of trouble working, it is as we expected from the season, everyone young and old. How to take advantage of this leave, it is true that the holiday meant to change the climate of work and entertainment, but maybe the length of vacation time may make a major leisure and perhaps lost a lot of time without the benefit of little or useful work
These are some of the means by which we enjoy the best vacation and also benefit from them
Read books - Listen to tapes - read magazines aimed at - making software family - Communicate with neighbors - visit exhibitions and events - the development of talents and hobbies - travel - training courses - learn how to cook - a visit offices and other ..


New member
28 أغسطس 2009

رسالة عمـــــــــــــــــل
An application letter

To : Human Resources Department.

Dear Sirs.

While I was surfing the news paper I saw you announcement of a job and because my present job is related to it, I would like to apply for this job with the objective of developing myself, my social life and my career. All of these can be achieved through good teamwork.

With this letter I am attaching my C.V which includes all my qualifications for your consideration.

I thank you for this opportunity and please call me on my mobile phone whenever you can schedule my interview.

Yours sincerely

Name :


New member
28 أغسطس 2009

Person Letter To friend

Dear mona

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Since I can't be there to sing to you, this letter will just have to do. I hope this is the start of another really great year for you.
Let's get together for dinner and celebrate!


New member
28 أغسطس 2009

واتمنى تستفاادين ياقمـــــــــــــر


New member
5 ديسمبر 2008
ما شاء الله ... توني برد عليج وشفت ردود الأخوات االله يحفظهم

افكار جميلة ولج .. الاختيار

بالتوفيق وان شاء الله تنجحين هالسنة يارب

في امان الله

charmer girl

New member
30 مارس 2010
ما شاء الله كنت اتمنى ارد لكن والله الأخوات اللي قبلي ما قصرو الله يعطيهم العافيه ويجزاهم الخير ويااارب يوفقك وتنجحين و الجميع يااارب...

تــــحــيـــاااااتـــي لكِ
6 نوفمبر 2009
ياحبيلكم الله يوفقكم والله حاسه اني ببكي من ردودكم والله كان هم على قلبي والله يجزاكم الف خير ماقصرتو والله لادعيلكم كل صلاة لي لانه فرجتو علي الله يفرج عليكم كل ضيقه وكل هم ياااااااااارب والف شكر لكم

~كل الوفا~

New member
12 يناير 2007
السلام عليكم

اعذريني ما شوفت رسالتك إلى الحين
بس الحمد لله الأخوات ما قصروا

و أنا مو شاطرة في writing
good luck