مرحبآ !

من خلال التسجيل في صفحات نسوة يمكنك ذلك من المشاركه وتبادل الآفكار الأيحابيه مع زميلاتك

آشتركي معنا الآن !

خرافة السر ‎(( رد على كتاب سر ))‎

10 سبتمبر 2008

يزعمون أنهم استخرجوا سراً دفيناً
من بين أعماق السنين
(سراً) مهيبا حاكماً في دولة الوهم الحزين
وفي دولة العقل
تصير الأماني حيلة للمفلسين
حيث يكون العقل عبئاً
فإن الأماني صنعة المبدعين

خرافة السر
كتاب يقرأ كتاب "السر" بعين ناقدة، يسير أغواره ويدخل أعماقه، ويبحث في زواياه وخباياه، ليقدم لقارئه ( وجبة ) نقدية لذيذة، للكتاب الأشهر في العالم، والذي طالما انتظره الآخرون... (السر)

تقديم فضيلة الشيخ

محمد بن صالح المنجد

عبدالله بن صالح العجيري

لتحميل كتاب خرافة السر انقري على الرابط أدناه


عضوة مخالفة لقوانين المنتدى
28 سبتمبر 2008
only a life sentence

It is a good artical and helpful for me to read it.There is a short story as follows:A girl, not small and agile legs, sitting in front of all the year round can only see other children playing, very lonely. One year of the summer, the city's neighbors to play pro-wei, brought their children, a major five-year-old girls than boys. All of them are small because the relationship between the boys and in the vicinity of the children quickly became a hit, the lower river up the mountain with them, like the sun is black, smiles happily and the only difference is that he will not be using foul language, but he Notes that a girl will not walk. The first boy to catch the dragonfly on the girl's hands, the first girl to back up the river, the first girl into talking about the story, first told her that her legs can be cured of. The first, careful to come and last. With a rare smile to girls? To the end of the summer, a boy who had to leave. To send their girls to tears, and whispered in his ear: "I cured legs, you married?" The boy nodded. A twinkling of an eye, 20 years have passed. Boys from a naive child has become a mature man. He opened a coffee shop, had a fiancee, a very ordinary life is also very quiet. One day he received a call from a woman's voice said in detail her legs up, she came to the city. All of a sudden, he can not remember who she is. He has long been a forgotten childhood story of the summer, forget that the pale little girl, but forget the kindness of a child. However, he took her to allow her to help in the store. He found that she was almost silent all day long. But he did not have time to care for her, his fiancee is not pregnant with his child. He Xiufen Cross, ready to throw away a marriage with all the things every day alcohol, become violent irritability, and even his estranged family, is no more business managing in the near future, he would a serious illness. During that time, she waited at his side, to take care of him, his tolerance drunk at the time of punishment, pluggin that some of the more independent of the store on the verge of collapse. She learned a lot, tired bones, eyes, with a total of two quick jump. Six months later, he finally recovered. In the face of her all, only gratitude. He gave her shop, she will not insist on, he had no choice but to declare that she is half owner. In her help, he slowly begins to pick up the spirit, he is her intimate friend as a friend, cut out the heart of the hinterland of her talk, she continues to be listened to in silence. He do not know what she was thinking, he just needs a patient audience only. This has been a few years, he paid a few girlfriends, not long. He could not find the feeling. She also has been single. He discovered that she is very elegance and natural charm, there is no lack of suitors. He laughed her heart, she just smiled. One day, he tired of his calm, decided to walk out. Get a passport before he officially handed over to the store all her. This time, she did not object to another, but said that in order to keep him, he is back. In a foreign land rover days of hard, but in this bitter, he has found a wide-open eyes and mind. In the past have all kinds of grief Fengqing clear, he suddenly found that, regardless of health or disease, poverty or wealth, or wishful rough with the real him, and only her. His whereabouts no, her letter was always behind with only a phrase or two words, the faint light, has felt the warmth. It is time he wanted to go back. When he returned home for her care and thought and moved. Whether at home or the store, his position is something he has been kept well, as if waiting for him to come back at any time. He shouted her name in cases of doubt, no one response. Shop for a new director, he told him that she had broken down from constant overwork death of the half. She told the press that he has called special attention to his whereabouts, she left behind hundreds of letters sent out one by one, his management of the store, pick up a house for him, he is back. He remains her to him, a specimen of the dragonfly, there is a roll of tape is her last words. With only a yard like a girl at her reflection of the setting sun-like language: "I'm married to you ... ... ... ... please? ... ..." Around like 27 years, he, like crying like a child together. No one knows, sometimes a woman to use her life for such a simple thing ... ..._________________________________from:Age of Conan GoldFFXI GilAge of Conan Gold 2moons dilworld of warcraft gold
10 سبتمبر 2008
انا ماقريت كتاب السر بس شفت السيدي يتكلم عن خلاصة الفكرة مع تجارب بعض الناس ومااقتنعت بالموضوع حسيت السالفة كفر واستعانة بغير الله سبحانه وتعالى ...
الحمدلله دينه مو ناقص شي ولو تمسكنا فيه ما نحتاج لا سر ولا خرابيط...

والله المستعان

شكرا عالموضوع

اختج عالية
10 سبتمبر 2008
هذا الكتاب قد يؤثر في ذوي النفوس ضعيفة الإيمان

أرجو الحذر منه ... كما أرجو لمن قرأه قراءة كتاب خرافة السر للشيخ صالح العجيري والذي قدمه الشيخ محمد المنجد

أرانا الله الحق حقا ورزقنا اتباعه وأرانا الباطل باطلا ورزقنا اجتنابه
9 مايو 2008
بالعكس أنا لاحظت في الكتاب شي مرررره مفيد

الانسان لمى يتمنى شي و يتخيله فعلا ربي يديه اياه

وهذا هوه السر السر يقول ان اذا ارد شي وآمنت انه حيتحقق

والأكيد مو الكون هوه الي يحقق الشي الي تتمناه الله طبعا

عن أبي هريرة - رضي الله عنه - قال : قال النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : يقول الله تعالى : ( أنا عند ظن عبدي بي ، وأنا معه إذا ذكرني ، فإن ذكرني في نفسه ذكرته في نفسي ، وإن ذكرني في ملإ ذكرته في ملإ خير منهم ، وإن تقرب إلي بشبر تقربت إليه ذراعا ، وإن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا ، وإن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة ) .رواه البخاري و مسلم

اهم شي هو حسن الظن بالله جل جلاله دون سواه

يعني تغيير بسيط بالسر بدل الكون والمارد من الاكيد ان الله هو الاقوى

وهو الي يسخر كل شي

هذا تحليلي للسر وأستبعاد مافيه شرك لله

والله اعلم